Katrin J. Yuan’s Blueprint for Tomorrow’s Executives

Episode released on: March 18th, 2024Episode number: 170 In this insightful episode of the CX Goalkeeper Podcast, Greg Uglioni welcomes Katrin Yuan, a renowned expert in AI, IoT, and board leadership, offering a deep dive into the evolving landscape of digital transformation and leadership. Katrin, with her extensive experience across boards in Switzerland and Germany,Continue reading “Katrin J. Yuan’s Blueprint for Tomorrow’s Executives”

Strategy for Sustainable Growth with Monika Schulze

Episode released on: February 5th, 2024Episode number: 165 In the latest episode of the CX Goalkeeper Podcast, Greg delves into an enlightening conversation with Monika Schulze, a distinguished leader renowned for her strategic acumen in driving sustainable growth and fostering innovation. This episode is a treasure trove for professionals in customer experience, digital, and leadership,Continue reading “Strategy for Sustainable Growth with Monika Schulze”