Beyond Automation: Human-Centric AI for Superior Customer Engagement with Manu Dwievedi

Episode released on: February, 19th 2024Episode number: 166 Introduction: In the rapidly evolving digital landscape, artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming the way businesses interact with their customers. The CX Goalkeeper Podcast, your go-to source for insights into transformation, leadership, and customer experience, delves deep into this topic in Episode 166. Hosted by Gregorio Uglioni, thisContinue reading “Beyond Automation: Human-Centric AI for Superior Customer Engagement with Manu Dwievedi”

Reflecting on 2023 and Excelling in 2024 – A year of CX with the CXPA Switzerland

The guests, including Michael Grund, Barbara Van Duin, Yukka Hekanaho, Anne-Laure Vaudan, and Beppe De Vincenti, share their insights on customer experience (CX) trends, challenges, and learnings from the year 2023. Topics discussed include the integration of AI in customer experience, the importance of human-centered design, and the need for companies to focus on customer needs rather than just technology. The episode emphasizes the ongoing evolution of customer experience management and the significance of aligning business strategy with customer needs.

Harnessing Artificial Intelligence: Balancing Technology and Humanity with Paul Banks” – E157

Episode released on: December 18th, 2023 Introduction Welcome to the latest blog post where we unravel the intricate balance between artificial intelligence (AI) and human interaction, especially in the realm of customer experience. In this post, we delve into a fascinating conversation from Episode 157 of the CX Goalkeeper Podcast, hosted by Gregorio Uglioni. OurContinue reading “Harnessing Artificial Intelligence: Balancing Technology and Humanity with Paul Banks” – E157″